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John Chamberlain

John Chamberlain’s monumental sculpture Archaic Stooge, 1991, is juxtaposed to de Kooning’s abstract landscape of 1977 and the light-imbued painting of 1982 with dynamic black loops and reddish-blue colour segments. The con volutions and demolishing of the automobile parts are rendered in sculptural brushstrokes of vibra tional impact. The interplay between painterly surface, depth and graphic black contour strikes up a precise interplay with the pictures in the background. Chamberlain is one of the great sculptors of Abstract Expressionism.

John Chamberlain, Archaic Stooge (No. 21555), 1991, bemalter und glanzverchromter Stahl / Painted and high-polish chrome-plated steel, 203.2 x 149.8 x 115.5 cm
John Chamberlain, Knee Pad Examiner, 1976, bemalter Stahl / Painted steel, 188 x 101.6 x 42 cm
John Chamberlain, Socket grey, 1977, bemalter Stahl / Painted steel, 72.5 x 53.5 x 84 cm
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